Nine year old Albert Mkatia smiles and looks down while standing in front of cattle, with his arms up and hands behind his head.
Aerial view of Maasai manyatta, a village near Lake Natron with animal enclosure and livestock, Maasai Mara, Kenya
Kenya, Tanzania + Uganda

Supporting pastoralists’ tenure rights to save grasslands

By creating and supporting biodiversity hotspots that sequester carbon, pastoralists in East Africa live their nature-based solutions.

Michael Melendrez of the US Forest Service teaches Olivia Vickers of Alaskan Youth Stewards how to measure the hight of an old growth cedar.
Katie Riley snorkels for abalone and other shellfish for personal use.
United States

“Stop, observe, examine, act”

Thriving communities, healthy, resilient landscapes, and more sustainable jobs—powered by the Indigenous values of Alaska Native people.

Beautiful view of the South coast of an island in Fiji called Vanua Levu.
Women preparing food at Dillon’s Bay, Erromango, Vanuatu
Fiji, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga + Vanuatu

Imparting wisdom across generations

Pacific Island women share their knowledge, so the land, ocean—and their people—are more resilient amid the climate crisis.

Elder Woman in Tajikistan.
Heap of apricots drying on a large stone in the Pamirs, Tajikistan

Farming at the top of the world.

Supporting Indigenous regenerative farming practices along the Panj River—protecting the Third Pole while bolstering food security for dozens of communities.